Saturday, 30 May 2009

Melody of the Evanescent Scud

It's soon people's birthdays (like it always is). I'm having trouble finding out what I should get as presents. Getting one thing from China already, but I'm gonna buy something more; just don't know what yet.

And guess who once again got his bike punctured on the way to university, as far away from train stations as possible. Yurrrp, and had to walk with it all the way to the nearest station, pay for both myself and the bike and pay for repairs once I got home. Just great. It's all those stupid broken beer bottles thrown everywhere on the streets in Copenhagen.

I don't really know how I'll be able to finish everything this next month. I have two presentations, two reports and an exam that covers material we've learnt in the past half year. All in one month. Most of it is in groups, but I'm getting a bit tired of having to coordinate everything. Especially when one member is near impossible to contact.

And I'm also saddened at the many people already departing from my university course to instead study something else. We're already few people, and there is a limited amount of people that you can be friends with in any large group. And when those begin leaving it's suddenly not looking so fun anymore. On the other hand, I don't want those people who are leaving to change their mind just because they might feel guilty of leaving. I hope they'll be happy in the new courses that they choose. It's just a real pity that they won't be allowed into our university bar as anything other than invited guests. Socially, I don't see an especially bright future. But anything might happen, we'll see.

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